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Des Moines Real Estate In A Familiar Groove


Adapting To Des Moines
Real Estate Market Activity

“If you come to a fork in the road, take it.” (Yogi Berra)

Baseball great Yogi Berra is probably remembered today more for his quotes that his baseball skills, but the one quote that applies to the Des Moines real estate market is “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” Sales so far in 2017 are certainly mimicking last year. And while most folks under the age of 40 wouldn’t be able to pick Yogi out of a line up, some of his quotes are applicable to real estate in 2017. “It ain’t over till it’s over“… There’s a lot of truth in that statement. Just because we are starting the year out like last year doesn’t mean that we’ll end the year that way. Mortgage interest rates could suddenly jump, the economy could quickly take a turn for the worse… there are any number of things that can occur that would alter the path of real estate sales the rest of this year.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is to not worry about the “what if’s” in life. Deal with the “knowns” vs the “unknowns” because those are the things that you have a better chance of controlling. As a result of extremely low home inventory and active buyers, many agents in our market including myself, are adapting and trying new strategies in listing and selling homes. I believe that we are the agents that will continue to be successful and keep buyers and sellers transactions on course in 2017.

“The future ain’t what it used to be”
Yogi Berra, New York Yankees Hall of Famer

Watch for the number of homes to sell begin to slowly increase as we move in the month of May. If we are going to break any Pending records, this is the month it will happen!

Months of Inventory By Three Categories

MOI By Buyer Pool Graphic(Click Graph To Download)

Months of Inventory by $100K Price Ranges

(Click Graph To Download)

Homes For Sale Inventory Continues
To Remain Flat And Below 2016 Levels

(Click Graph To Download)

Pending Sales Experience A Temporary Dip In March

(Click Graph To Download)

Closed Transactions Mirror 2016

(Click Graph To Download)

80% of Home Inventory In Sellers Market

(Click Graph To Download)

~Les Sulgrove, Broker


2016 DSM Res Real Estate ReportDownload your free copy of the
2016 Des Moines Residential Real Estate Annual Report

If you are interested in selling your home or purchasing a home, give me a call! I will help you determine your best strategy based on your local market data.

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