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Dog Days of Summer


There’s still time to buy or sell your home and enjoy ice cream too!

Where did the phrase “Dog Days of Summer” come from?

The ancient Romans called the hottest, most humid days of summer “diēs caniculārēs” or “dog days.” The name came about because they associated the hottest days of summer with the star Sirius. Sirius was known as the “Dog Star” because it was the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog).

It seems as though because we had a late start to the real estate year thanks to an extended winter and wet spring, much of the real estate sales activity has happened well into the summer months. Yes, we did feel a dip in activity during the great Iowa State Fair fun, but now that kids are back in school, the real estate market is heating up again.

2019 has been a different year for home buyers and sellers with all the talk of an economic recession coming sometime in the next 18 months. It’s worth noting however that housing will not be the trigger, and home values will still continue to appreciate. It will not be a repeat of the crash in the 2008 housing market.

I shared this graphic in a recent blog post.

Here is a recap of real estate activity in the month of August

Click on Graphic to view Full Size

Click each graphic to view full size

August Metro Single Family Resale Data

Click each graphic to view full size

August Metro Condo/Townhome Resale Data

Click each graphic to view full size

August Metro Single Family New Construction Data

Click each graphic to view full size

August Metro Condo/Townhome New Construction Data

Click each graphic to view full size

Click This Link for the 2018 Des Moines Real Estate Year End Market Recap

~Les Sulgrove, Vice President

If you are interested in selling your home or purchasing a home, give me a call! I will help you determine your best strategy based on your local market data.

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