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All posts by Les Sulgrove

Millennial Buying Power Poised to Boost Homeownership

In a recent article by Realtor Magazine, Mark Fleming, Chief Economist of First American Financial Corporation, notes, “The largest group of millennials by birth year will turn 30 in 2020, which puts them entering their prime homebuying years”. The article continues to describe how millennials have more buying-power than the generations that preceded them, making […]

Home Sales Expected to Continue Increasing In 2020

Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and the Mortgage Bankers Association are all projecting home sales will increase nicely in 2020. Below is a chart depicting the projections of each entity for 2019, as well as for 2020.As we can see, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and the Mortgage Bankers Association all believe homes sales will increase steadily over the next year. If you’re a homeowner who has considered […]

Dog Days of Summer

// There’s still time to buy or sell your home and enjoy ice cream too! Where did the phrase “Dog Days of Summer” come from? The ancient Romans called the hottest, most humid days of summer “diēs caniculārēs” or “dog days.” The name came about because they associated the hottest days of summer with the star Sirius. Sirius was known as the “Dog Star” because it was […]