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Tech Tip by Les Sulgrove 7/29/09

Every once in awhile, I run across a cool new website when surfing the net.  Tonight I found a sited called Dumpr.  My high school English teacher must HATE the Internet… 

There seems to be an unlimited supply of photo editing websites right now, but what caught my eye on this site was how my personal photos can be manipulated into fun designs.  You must register to use their site, but they have a free version as well as a paid version.  The paid version (Pro) is only $19.97 per year.. so if you have a couple extra sawbucks, you can enjoy all the features of Dumpr!

b159e4d050bf13bd_oThis is the effect that caught my eye… “Rubik’s Cube”.  I applied a photo that I took at the Des Moines Farmers Market.  


Or how about this picture I took of carrots with the “Museum” effect?

You can save as many created pictures on your computer as you like with the free version.  Check it out! 

Les Sulgrove

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