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To Phone or to Touch… That Is The Question

I’m comparing the iPod Touch to the iPhone… As a little background, I’m 1/2 way through my two year contract with Sprint.  I have a Blackberry Curve 8330 phone.  I’m coming to the conclusion that it’s just a matter of time before I move toward the light…. and purchase an iPhone.  What’s holding me back?  Two things.. the aforementioned contract with Spring on my current phone and that darned  "Blue Map" of coverage in the Verizon commercials.  Rumor has it that Verizon will have the iPhone sometime next year…  I am also 2 months into a Sprint MiFi wireless network device that allows me to connect up to 5 devices at one time to internet access.

iPhone    VS     iPod Touch

So far I found this
What this comparison didn’t take into account is why someone would go with the Touch over the phone… Coverage… I suppose they are not going to stick their neck out there and dis AT&T.
It also mentions that it doesn’t have an email client.. I assume that means an onboard email client as opposed to Gmail.. which is web based…

Another comparison
This review like the first one says why buy a Touch when you should really buy the Phone…  Again, nobody compares the Touch as an interim device until better coverage comes along.  I already have a MiFi wireless network device… I think that also should come into play.  If I didn’t have that device, I’d be tied to WiFi networks to use the interactive live features.

And finally,
This review is the best one of the three in my opinion.  It doesn’t tell you that one device is necessarily better than the other…

Bottom line for me… since I have the MiFi from Sprint and I have wireless at home (who doesn’t anymore), AND I’ve got another year left on my Sprint contract, I am going to go with iPod Touch 32GB latest version device.  I figure if I want to, I can always sell the Touch on eBay down the road… I’m hoping that Verizon gets the iPhone next year.. and if not, well, I’ll have my iPod Touch! 

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