Des Moines Real Estate Roundup Week Ending August 1st, 2008 The Figure 8 Races were held last weekend at the Warren County Fairgrounds in Indianola. A true sign that summer is at its peak are the county fairs in full swing! To see more photos of this “successful” rollover crash during the front wheel […]
Category Archives: Market Statistics
Des Moines Real Estate Roundup
Des Moines Weekly Real Estate Statistics 7/18/08
Summertime heat. Summertime Thunderstorms. We seem to be in that cycle of HOT daytime temperatures followed by evening thunderstorms. The real estate market is also showing signs of heating up. We are in our third week in a row with Active listing counts below the 4,000 level. In the next couple weeks, I’m going to […]
Des Moines Weekly Real Estate Statistics 7/11/08
Des Moines Weekly Real Estate Statistics 7/4/08
It’s official… the 2008 is now 1/2 over. With the 4th of July comes fireworks, family reunions and summer vacations. This weeks photo was taken across the street from Wakonda Golf Course on the south side of Des Moines. I liked this one because it reminds me of a carrot.This week marked the first time since I started this blog that Active […]
Des Moines Weekly Real Estate Statistics 6/27/08
It’s drying up here in Central Iowa… sort of.. The photo to the right was taken last weekend as some local heavy rain cells passed through Des Moines. When we first saw the rainbow, it was spanning the entire skyline. Just like a curtain being draw, the wall of rain began to overtake the rainbow. It’s just been […]
Des Moines Weekly Real Estate Statistics 6/20/08
A funny thing happened the week after the flood water receded. Real estate business began to pick back up. Homes actually closed to be more exact. You see the Polk County recorder was at ground zero of the crest of the Des Moines river. The photo you see in this blog is a bunker of sandbags protecting the entrance to the basement […]
Des Moines Weekly Real Estate Statistics 6/13/08
In 1993, the city of Des Moines experienced a 100 year flood that took out the cities water supply for 12 days and crippled the city. This week we have experienced a 500 year flood. Heavy rain in western, northwestern & north central Iowa during the last week have caused the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers to overflow. […]
Some days it’s cheaper to stay in bed!
Des Moines Weekly Real Estate Statistics 6/6/08
Several nights of spring storms have kept Iowans up late this week. It seems as though everything is running about a month behind this year. I wondered if spring would ever get here.. now we are experiencing our April showers all the way into June! Now we have flooding to deal with in Des Moines. Stay alert and DRY this […]